Saturday, January 6, 2007

23 days..... OMG!

Happy New Year. Welcome 2007!!!

T-minus 23 days until I leave for the big voyage. Oh... My.... GOD!!!

I can't believe it's almost here. Three months ago, when I got the news, I was SO ready to get on the ship and DO this. Now that the reality is so close at hand, there feels like a million details that need to be handled before I'll be mentally prepared to leave. I guess it will all work itself out. (Do I have a choice?). At least the small things are falling into place. I am now the proud owner of a lovely pair of olive green Crocs (thanks Laura & CR for the suggestion and Stacy for the Xmas gift) and a rockin' pair of Merrells (thanks Leigh for the idea & Julie/Reed for the gift). I have a money belt, and sea sickness bracelets, and well... a lot of "stuff." Now if I can only figure out where to purchase some peace of mind (and a side order of sanity, please?).

I repeat: Oh..... My...... GOD!

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