Sunday, June 12, 2011

Packing Insanity

Well, I managed to pass my dissertation proposal on Friday morning. Begged the doctor for a prescription to help with my epic case of poison ivy, and have been running around town trying to get my crap together before I head to the airport at 0400 tomorrow. (I'm back to using nautical time). I know I'm not mentally prepared for this journey yet b/c I haven't had a chance to take a breath. I guess that's what Tuesday will be for. A day of rest, reflection, and relaxation before I jump into SAS yet again.

Time to get back to sorting through all my stuff and deciding what to bring, what not to bring, and all the little things I know I'm forgetting. (like my camera, which I just remembered. Phew!). Bye Austin. See you in September!

P.S. For those of you whop want to follow my travels. Check out the map below of where I'll be sailing.

1 comment:

Julie Kiefer said...

I'm so excited for you...
1)For getting your disertation proposal over and done with
2)That as a reward you get to take yet another trip of a lifetime!

Have an amazing time! We will be following your journey.

xo, jules, reedo & charleykins